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Pinoy Erotica : Katya Santos PK 2006
03-13-2022, 08:33 PM
shekar4evr Offline
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Pinoy Erotica : Katya Santos PK 2006

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Katya Santos PK 2006

[Image: gzk1lunfupa5.jpg] [Image: wagoi84y55gb.jpg] [Image: tl2ge8ohu22a.jpg] [Image: 546upds6exfa.jpg] [Image: zucpqep1m58w.jpg] [Image: 315sa7r5nlpl.jpg] [Image: 82ql7i7cpnul.jpg] 

NUDITY REVIEW: Pinoy Kamasutra 2006
Starring: Katya Santos, Anna Scott, Leilani Vergara, Maricar Dela Fuente, Sachie Sanders, Scarlett Bouffard and Zara Lopez.

Master the art. Perform flawlessly in bed. Is your partner going cold? Do you find yourself spending more nights alone in bed? Bring back the fire to a dwindling sex life with Pinoy Kamasutra. This spanking new video teaches you how to boost your sexual performance with some of the most pleasurable positions ever imagined. Go bold with "The Mold". Dive into "The Deep One". Get wild with "The Amazon". Learn to obey with "The Dog". Float in ecstacy with "The Suspended Position". Twist and shout with "The Are". Bend and blend with "The Fusion". Or sink into deep rapture with "The Armchair". Plus more exciting positions to satisfy your lover. 

Viva Hotbabe Katya Santos and Justine of the Viva Hotmen show you the way to naked bliss. Joining them are fellow Hotbabes Zara Lopez, Leilani Navarro, Maricar Dela Fuente, Anna Scott, Scarlet and Sachie plus the Viva Hotmen as they give you a lesson you'll never forget.
Pinoy Kamasutra... guaranteed to help you reach new heights.  

BONER RATING for Katya Santos Scene: 3.6/5 Stars
(Nude: Topless/Huge Breasts & Bare Butt.) 

NUDITY RATING: 5.5/10 Stars
This erotic film has potential to have the best nudity but they screw it up by adding nonsense graphics and special effects that doesn't work at all. We want clear pictures or big pictures not shrink them just to have this artsy-fartsy vibe. You are selling sex here. Make it crisp and make it great. Because of that, i give it a low score. Anyway, Great nudity from Katya Santos and the rest of the Hot Babes. Still a collectible. So get yourself a copy. You have been warned. Awful video quality!

File Size: 303 MB | Format: MKV | Duration: 13:19 MINS | Resolution: 1280x720
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02-17-2024, 06:33 PM
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RE: Pinoy Erotica : Katya Santos PK 2006


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